關于生日的英文句子(30句) 1、Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day. →祝你生日快樂,天天bai快樂! (11字) 2、Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before. →愿你宿愿得償,快樂幸福更勝以往。(15字) 3、May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today. Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way! →敬賀誕辰! 愿這一切充滿歡樂、成功! (15字) 4、Happy birthday to myself. A person is travel habits, a person over! →祝自己生日快樂。一個人的旅行習慣一個人過了!(21字) 5、Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All ideals come as promised! →生日快樂祝自己! 希望自己越來越好! 所有的理想如約而至! (25字) 6、I wish grandfather: good health and health, always young, healthy and long life, happy every day! Happy birthday! →祝爺爺:體福安康永遠年輕健康長壽開開心心度過每一天!生日快樂!(29字) 7、May I sow in the season full of hope and harvest in the joy of autumn! Happy birthday! be promoted step by step! →愿我在充滿希望的季節中播種、在秋日的喜悅里收獲!生日快樂!步步高升!(31字) 8、Birthday is the daily laughter and satisfaction in life; birthday is the daily health and happiness in life. May you be happy forever! →生日就是生活中日日歡笑滿足;生日就是生命中日日健康幸福。愿今天的你永遠快樂!(36字) 9、Every day around you, do not have to think about you, do not have to love you sour, just like you sweet! Happy birthday, my baby! →每天都在你身邊,不用苦苦地想你,也不必酸酸地戀你,只需甜甜地喜歡你!我的寶貝,生日快樂!(39字) 10、Tomorrow is my best friend is birthday, but I cannot accompany her. I am so sad. I hope she can be happy tomorrow and forget all her troubles. Do you know? I care about you! →明天就是閨蜜的生日,可是卻不能陪她,好難過,希望明天她能開心點 忘掉一切煩惱 知道嗎?我很在乎你!(43字)
關于生日的英文句子 11、If we are all children, we can stay in the same place of time, sit together and listen to those stories that never grow old while slowly Haoshou. Happy birthday to myself! →如果我們都是孩子,就可以留在時光的原地,坐在一起一邊聽那些永不老去的故事一邊慢慢皓首。祝自己生日快樂!(48字) 12、My blessing brings my love for you. May your birthday be a happy one. When the day is over, you lie down and enjoy peace. May happiness fill your peaceful golden dream! →我的祝福捎來我對你的愛,愿你的生日過得稱心如意,當一天過去,你躺下享受安寧,愿幸福彌漫你恬靜的金色夢境!(48字) 13、Dear: on this special day, I can only think of you and love you with my heart. Just want to tell you: always love you, everything you are affecting me. Happy birthday! →親愛的:在這特別的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你、愛你。只想告訴你:永遠深愛著你,你的一切都在牽動著我。生日快樂!(49字) 14、Today is your birthday, I ask God to give you the most precious gift in the world, God said to give you a safe life! I am healthy! Are you satisfied with these two gifts? Happy birthday! →今天是你的生日,我求上帝賜給你世界上最寶貴的禮物,上帝說就賜給你一生平安!一世健康!這兩樣禮物你滿意嗎?祝生日快樂!(53字) 15、Life is only once, I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Birthday is only one day, wish you happy every minute. Blessing only one, give you a healthy and safe golden bell cover! Happy birthday! →生命只有一次,愿你把一世的幸福抓牢。生日只有一天,愿你時刻開心每分每秒。祝福只有一條,給你一個健康平安的金鐘罩!生日快樂!(55字) 16、It is your birthday again. I wish you a happy life. It is a new beginning. I wish you a strong body. Make a new wish, wish our friendship forever! →又是你的一個生日,祝福你的生活幸福無邊。又是一個新的開始,祝福你的身體結結實實。許下一個新的心愿,愿我們的友誼地久天長!(55字) 17、I do notknow whether it is the innocent look of childhood or the high spirited pursuit of youth. It is always after passing by that I know how to be silent. It is always after recalling that I suddenly feel palpitation. I wish you a happy birthday! →不知是兒時的天真顧盼,還是年輕時昂揚追求,總是在走過之后,才懂得默然,總是在回憶之后,才猛然心悸。祝你珍惜美好年華,祝你生日快樂!(58字) 18、Today is your birthday, I give you a brand-name watch, the second hand walk represents that I miss you; the minute hand walk represents that I miss you; the hour hand walk represents that I wish you a happy birthday and happiness every day! →今天是你的生日,我送你一塊名牌手表,秒針走一下代表我在想你;分針走一下代表我在思念你;時針走一下代表我在祝福你,生日快樂,天天天幸福!(61字) 19、Your beauty let me see the beauty of the world, your smile let me know the taste of happiness, your kindness let me know that good people have good returns, my blessing can make you happy to old. Happy birthday to you! →你的美麗讓我看到世界的美好,你的笑容讓我了解幸福的味道,你的善良讓我明白好人有好報,我的祝福能不能讓你幸福快樂到老。祝你生日快樂!(61字) 20、The distant bell reminds me that I am awake in the morning; the ticking of my watch and the smiling button ring; the blessing sound written down gives you happiness; the special feeling you think of is your birthday today; birthday wishes: happiness forever! →遠方的鐘聲叮嚀,我在晨曦清醒;手表的滴答漸明,微笑的按鍵鈴;寫下的祝福音,送給你快樂盈;想起的特殊情,是你生日在今;送上生日祝福:快樂永久!(61字)
關于生日的英文句子 21、In the night, I open my eyes to see your beautiful face. In my sleep, I raise my ears to hear your gentle words. In my missing, I turn my infinite affection into blessing. I wish you a happy 18th birthday and all the best! →黑夜里我睜大雙眼想看到你的美麗容顏,睡夢里我豎起耳朵想聽到你溫柔的話語,思念里我把無限的深情化作祝福,祝你十八歲生日快樂,萬事如意!(62字) 22、The longer the tree of youth is, the more colorful the flower of life is. On your birthday, please accept my deep blessing. May this monologue stay on the front page of your life, and may it bring you new happiness! →青春樹越長趙蔥蘢,生命的花就越長越艷麗。在你生日的這一天,請接受我對你深深的祝福。愿這獨白,留在你生命的扉頁;愿這切切祈盼,帶給你新的幸福!(63字) 23、Whether you are the milk in the morning or the midnight snack in the evening; whether you are the cool wind in summer or the cotton padded jacket in winter; in such a gentle season, please accept my warm care wechat. Happy birthday! →無論你是清晨的牛奶,還是晚上的宵夜;無論你是夏天的涼風,還是冬日里的棉襖;在這樣的和風輕拂的季節里,請笑納我的溫馨關懷微信一條。生日快樂!(63字) 24、There are gentle verses in the beautiful candlelight, romantic warmth in the gentle verses, my blessing in the romantic warmth, your name in your name today has a special moment of commemoration, happy birthday to friends! →美麗燭光中有溫柔詩句,溫柔詩句里有浪漫溫馨,浪漫溫馨中有我的祝福,我的祝福中有你的名字,你的名字里今天有著特殊時刻的紀念,朋友生日快樂!(63字) 25、Every year today is the day when I care about you most. At this very warm moment, I would like to propose a glass of wine to you, together with my heartfelt blessing. Gift is not expensive, love is precious, wish you have a sweet, warm, happy birthday! →每年的今天,都是我最牽掛你的日子。在這無比溫馨的時刻,向你敬上一杯酒,連同我的衷心祝福。禮不貴,情珍貴,祝福你擁有一個甜蜜溫馨、快快樂樂的生日!(64字) 26、I do notwant to celebrate my birthday. I feel like I am one year older. Yesterday is birthday, I would like to celebrate today. Thank you for your blessing. Finally, I hope I do notrecite it any more recently. It is really bad luck. May all my little wishes come true! →不愿意過生日,感覺自己又老了一歲。昨天的生日,今天自己小小的慶祝一下吧。謝謝大家發來的祝福。最后希望自己最近不要再背下去了,真的是霉運不斷。愿心里的小小愿望都能實現!(76字) 27、Now, I understand what happiness is: happiness is the moment you succeed, the moment you are satisfied. Yes, everyone has different values of life with different positions, but is not everyone is happiness the inner expression of success? Happy birthday to myself! →現在,我明白了快樂究竟是什么:快樂就是你成功的那一刻,就是你滿足的那一記刻。是啊,每個人隨著職位不同,人生價值觀也不同,可是每個人的快樂難道不都是成功后的內心表露嗎?祝自己生日快樂!(83字) 28、Let the sunshine shine on all your days and let the flowers bloom on your journey of life. The ring of years is like the rotating black record, playing the beautiful old love song in the heart of each of us. May your life be still full of happiness and success after 20 years old! Happy birthday! →讓陽光普照你所有的日子,讓花朵開滿你人生的旅途。歲月的年輪像那正在旋轉著的黑色唱片,在我們每一個人的內心深處,播放著那美麗的舊日情曲。愿你20歲后的人生依然充滿著歡愉和成功!生日快樂!(84字) 29、18 years old, what a wonderful and enviable age! In the eyes of children and teenagers, 18-year-old people are big brothers and big sisters, because you are tall, strong, young and charming; in the eyes of middle-aged and old people, 18-year-old people are rich in years, because you are handsome, smiling young, happy birthday! →18歲,這是多么美妙多么另人羨慕的年齡!在兒童少年的眼里,十八歲的人是大哥哥大姐姐,因為你們高大強健青春嫵媚;在中年人老年人眼里,十八歲的人是歲月的富翁,因為你們身姿聘婷,笑臉年輕,生日快樂!(85字) 30、Although with your day, we have no freedom, but you bring us great joy. The first time you open your eyes, the first time you urinate and poop, the first time you cry, the first tooth (three teeth) bites dad is rough finger to bleed, sharp! )The first sentence, Dad, the first time we laugh, even the first time we get sick, makes us really moved and happy! Happy birthday! →雖然有了你的日子,我們都沒有了自由,但是你帶給我們的歡樂是巨大的。你的第一次睜眼,第一次撒尿、拉屎,第一聲啼哭,第一顆牙齒(三個牙的時候就把爸爸的糙手指給咬流血了,鋒利!),第一句爸爸,第一次笑的出聲,甚至第一次生病都讓我們真正感動、高興!生日快樂!(109字)
花材:滿天星花束 3枝紅玫瑰 英文紙包裝
配送日期:2014/7/22 18:25:00
配送日期:2018/12/23 16:37:00
配送日期:2021/8/22 1:32:00
配送日期:2023/5/30 17:40:00
2.你這一生既有隨處可棲的江湖 也有追風逐夢的驍勇!
發布時間:2023/2/1 12:12:00
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