祝你生日快樂的句子英文(30句) 1、Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful! →生日快樂,永遠健康,美麗動人! (13字) 2、In a flash, it is 30. Happy 30th birthday! →一晃這就30了,祝自己30歲生日快樂!(14字) 3、You are one. That’s something to be proud of. →你1歲了,這真是一件值得驕傲的`事。(15字) 4、30 birthday, I hope this year, eat more not fat, positive and upward! →30歲生日,希望今年,多吃不胖,積極又向上!(17字) 5、Wisdom always takes root in loneliness. Happy birthday to myself! →智慧總是在孤獨中生根。祝自己生日快樂!(18字) 6、We may grow old together, but as long as we are together, I feel young. →我們也許會一起變老,但只要我們在一起,我就覺得年輕。(24字) 7、Today is my birthday. My mother just forgot. She does not even buy cakes. Who knows? →今天我生日我媽忘記了而已連蛋糕都不買這種感受誰懂?(25字) 8、Please do notregard my tolerance for you as your shameless capital. Happy birthday to myself! →請不要把我對你的容忍,當成你不要臉的資本。祝自己生日快樂!(27字) 9、You are the flowers of socialism. How happy! You are the treasure of our country. Happy birthday! →社會主義的花,是你們呀。多么幸福!你們是國家的寶貝,祝你生日快樂!(29字) 10、Today with you, the world is more wonderful; tonight with you, the starry sky is more brilliant; this life with you, the world is more warm. Happy birthday! →今天有了你,世界更精彩;今晚有了你,星空更燦爛;今生擁有你,人間更溫暖。生日快樂!(35字)
祝你生日快樂的句子英文 11、I will not forget our 18-year-old ceremony agreement, we must always be good, I love you! Happy birthday! →我不會忘記我們的十八歲成人禮的約定,我們要一直一直好下去我愛你們!生日快樂!(36字) 12、Dear yourself, today is your birthday, happy birthday, to be confident and even narcissistic, always remind yourself that I deserve the best of everything! →親愛的自己,今天是你的生日,生日快樂,要自信甚至是自戀一點,時刻提醒自己我值得擁有最好的一切!(43字) 13、Now you and your brother grow up day by day, and have become strong big and small guys. You are the biggest achievement in your parents life! Happy birthday! →現在你和哥哥一天天的長大,已經成為健壯的大小伙子,你們是爸爸媽媽一生中取得的最大的成就!生日快樂!(46字) 14、Wishing you glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday! →愿你一年到頭都有充滿友誼的歡欣日子,充滿愉快的明朗日子,充滿幸福的溫馨日子! 祝你度過一個美妙的生日! (47字) 15、In space and time, we ask about the past cold weather in the world; we are friends, the stars change, the feelings do not change; we are bosom friends, the ends of the world remember! Happy birthday! →方寸間,歷數世上桑田滄海;時空里,細問人間暑往寒來;是朋友,星移斗轉情不改;是知音,天涯海角記心懷!生日快樂!(47字) 16、I was very happy with you last year because it was your birthday. I hope you can be happy, healthy and beautiful even though I am not with you today! Happy birthday! →去年這一天和你在一起很快樂,因為那天是你生日。今天雖沒有和你在再一起,仍希望你能快樂健康美麗!生日快樂!(48字) 17、The sea is full of water, the spider is full of legs, the pepper is so spicy, I do notregret giving birth to you. Happy birthday to my dear children, happy every day! →大海啊他全是水,蜘蛛啊他全是腿,辣椒啊他真辣嘴,生下了你啊真不后悔。祝親愛的孩子生日快樂,天天開懷合不攏嘴!(49字) 18、Poor cannot afford to drink, poor cannot afford to pay, poor cannot afford to eat, poor left bowl, poor all tired, poor left mouth; generous spring message: Happy Birthday to you! →窮的喝不起水,窮的交不起費,窮的吃不起飯,窮的就剩下碗,窮的渾身都累,窮的就剩下嘴;大方發條信息:祝你生日快樂!(49字) 19、Dear yourself, today is your birthday, happy birthday, learn to control their emotions, no one owes you, so you have no reason to lose temper with others, play temperament! →親愛的自己,今天是你的生日,生日快樂,學會控制自己的情緒,誰都不欠你,所以你沒有道理跟別人隨便發脾氣,耍性子!(49字) 20、I am so glad today is your birthday. To be honest, I am a gift from God. I hope it is not too bad. I hope you like it very much. Happy birthday, dear! →真高興今天是你的生日,老實說我是上帝賜給你的禮物,但愿這份禮物不是太糟糕,希望你能特別喜歡這個禮物,親愛的祝你生日快樂!(56字)
祝你生日快樂的句子英文 21、The ends of the earth, there is always a miss belongs to you. In all directions, there is always a trace of concern around you. No matter where you are, I send you my best wishes. As time goes by, as time goes by. Happy birthday! →天涯海角,總有一份思念屬于你。四面八方,總有一絲牽掛纏繞你。不管你身在何方,我都送上最美的祝福。任時光流逝,任歲月蹉跎。生日快樂!(57字) 22、Children, I wish you happiness and happiness is our eternal blessing to you! This year, when you have entered university, I would also like to say: children, efforts and dedication will make you happy and happy! Happy birthday! →孩子,祝你幸福與快樂是我們對你的永遠祝福辭!今年在你已走上大學時,我還要說:孩子,努力與奉獻定會造就你的幸福與快樂!生日快樂!(57字) 23、I wish you, in this special day, happiness and peace, beautiful mood; I wish you, in this beautiful day, sweet love, all the best; I wish you, in this special day, all the best. Happy birthday! →祝愿你,在這特別的日子里,幸福平安,心情美麗;祝愿你,在這美好的日子里,愛情甜蜜,事事如意;祝愿你,在這特別的日子里,一切順利。生日快樂!(58字) 24、No matter how the past changes, our experience of studying together will not change; no matter how far away we are, our friendship will not be far away; no matter how short the time is, our communication will not be shortened. Dear classmates: Happy Birthday! →過往再怎樣變,我們共同就讀的經歷不會改變;距離再怎么遠,我們彼此的情誼不會遙遠;時間再怎樣短,我們的溝通不會縮短。親同學:祝生日快樂!(60字) 25、My wish is tied in the wind, and the spring wind blows face to face. My missing hidden in the stamen, flowers everywhere. My concern is on the kite, and paper kites are flying all over the sky. My blessing is written in the blessing: all the good things belong to you! Happy birthday! →我的心愿系在風里,春風迎面吹。我的思念藏在花蕊里,鮮花遍地開。我的牽掛掛在風箏上,紙鳶滿天飛。我的祝福寫在祝福里:祝福所有美好都屬于你!生日快樂!(65字) 26、I think of your birthday. I would like to express my feelings for you in a single word. I sincerely wish you a long stay of youth, and wish you peace and joy. Where you are, I wish you a happy birthday! →我想起了你的生日。我謹用只字片語,表達對你的情懷。衷心祝愿您青春長駐,愿將一份寧靜和喜悅悄悄帶給您,有你的地方,就有我深深的祝福,祝你生日快樂!(65字) 27、Flowers are similar year by year, but people are different year by year. Wake up, not a dream, eyebrow wrinkles again. Reading the familiar poems, I cannot help thinking of my mother. I am longing for you. Happy birthday, I miss you! Happy birthday, baby! →年年歲歲花相似,歲歲年年人不同。醒來驚覺不是夢,眉間皺紋又一重。讀著熟悉的詩詞,心里禁不住思念,母親,兒行千里心思歸,生日快樂,兒想您!寶貝女兒,生日快樂!(67字) 28、In order to consolidate our friendship, narrow the gap between the East and the west, curb the gap between the rich and the poor, put an end to social differentiation, stabilize social order, and promote the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics Lend me two hundred! Happy birthday to you! →為了鞏固我們的友誼,拉近東西部差距,抑制貧富懸殊,杜絕社會分化,穩定社會治安,推動有中國特色社會主義現代化建設……借我兩百塊!來買份禮物祝你生日快樂!(69字) 29、Today is your birthday; yeer gently sways; sings a song, not old birthday song; may peace and happiness follow you all the time; may good luck haunt you all the time; may health and happiness accompany you every day; I wish you a happy birthday and happiness forever! →今天是你的生日;葉兒輕輕地搖曳;唱一曲,不老的生日歌;愿平安快樂,刻刻跟隨著你;愿吉祥如意,時時縈繞著你;愿健康幸福,日日陪伴著你;祝你生日快樂,幸福永遠……!(69字) 30、Birthday comes and birthday goes each year, and this leaves the happy m emories for ever. May this special day brightens each hour like sunshine t hat cheers every flower. →年年生日來而復去,留下永久的快樂回憶。愿今天的每時每刻都充滿明媚,年年生日來而復去,留下永久的快樂回憶。愿今天的每時每刻都充滿明媚,似陽光普照鮮花綻放陽光普照鮮花綻放! (78字)
配送日期:2015/2/7 23:18:00
配送日期:2010/11/29 22:09:00
配送日期:2015/2/7 21:44:00
配送日期:2018/7/20 17:15:00
2.你這一生既有隨處可棲的江湖 也有追風逐夢的驍勇!
發布時間:2025/1/10 18:10:00
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